Saturday, August 01, 2020

Tucson, 1976

Okay, so. S***. Another story. This really happened to me in 1976. I had managed to hustle up a little bit of money, so when I return to the abandoned complex called Thurber courts outside Tucson, AZ, I was able to entice a young lady to join me for a night in a motel room close by. Her boyfriend Albert would be none the wiser. Thurber courts was a cluster of abandoned adobe homes that a bunch of hippies had moved into. There was no electricity but someone had bypassed the gas meter so we had gas for heat and hot water. When we returned the next morning, we discovered that the following had transpired the previous evening. Early on a nineteen year old girl Candi Lee Newman enticed a guy in a Cadillac to wait outside while she supposedly went in to cop some heroin for him. The usual suspects were sitting around getting drunk, and Candi announced that she had a guy outside with money and wanted help robbing him. Albert Urbanec got up, grabbed a baseball bat, went out the back door, snuck up in back of the guy and crushed his skull with the bat. They then loaded his body in the trunk and took off for Mexico, planning to sell the car for heroin. Someone immediately called the cops and were eventually apprehended. When Albert's girlfriend and I arrived back at thurber courts the next morning, the cops were there and interviewed us. They brought gifts. Bottles of wine. I was never asked to testify. I'd told the story a few times but had never found evidence until I found this article


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